The War Inside
I find it interesting how we can want to do what is right and what is wrong at the same time. How is it that we can try our hardest to do what we know is right, and at the same time crave what is wrong? You never see a fight between light and darkness, when light enters a room, darkness is forced to leave; or take gravity for example, you never see a falling rock choose to go the opposite way, defy gravity, and start rising up… so where does the fight inside of us come from?
When I watch TV, I see how culture, modern science, and Hollywood all try to scream out the same thing; that one thing being, that God doesn’t exist. Now I simply sit back and start thinking about how absurd that is, which raises many questions. If God doesn’t exist, where do Morals come from? If God doesn’t exist, why does everyone seem to think about eternity, and wonder what happens after death? And I guess the biggest question, if God doesn’t exist, and there isn’t a spiritual realm, then where does good and evil come from?
Let’s look at morals, if I were to show video footage to twenty people of some ten year old little girl being raped and murdered, all twenty would most definitely say its wrong and disgusting, most would be sick to their stomachs. So why is it disgusting? If there is no God, then there is no grounds for morals; there is no say on rather porn is totally fine, or if it is wrong. If we just live by the laws of nature, then there is no say on if drugs are wrong, if rape is wrong, or if murder is wrong. We are not animals!!! If nature as it exists is the standard for men to live by, cruelty becomes equal to non-cruelty.
This also pretty much knocks out good and evil. If there is no God, then there are no grounds for good or evil, because where would good or evil for that matter come from? No two people are the same, so how is it that thousands, even millions, can agree on one thing and say that it is right, or wrong, what is the standard they are coming from? What truths are they basing that off of if there are no morals?
Now when it comes down to Eternity, the Bible says God has placed eternity on our hearts, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end (Ecclesiastes 3:11).”
Man can’t fathom eternity, try to wrap your head around this, your falling, in a bottomless pit, when does it end? Or space for example, what’s at the end of it, is it a wall? If so, how thick is it? What is on the other side? Is it nothing? Wouldn’t that be a continuation of space?
We can’t understand Eternity, that’s why God didn’t put it on our minds; he placed it on our hearts, to remind us that there is more than just this life. It’s a fight.
It’s not supposed to be easy; do you really think that anything worth having comes for free? Even if it did, it would be worthless once you got it, because you didn’t have to earn it.
What are you pressing towards?
Who are you pushing for?
What is driving you?
I hope this made you think a little bit
Be Blessed
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You are right again!
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