now you might have thought that this is story was over, but it’s only just begun
How is it, that people can get so caught up in life, that they take their eye off the prize? Why is it that after a little bit of resistance, people just give in? Last time I checked, the only way to get stronger is by adding resistance. Could it be that God allowed the temptation because he wanted to get you strong enough to take you to the next level? If you accept corruption, where does your faith lie?
How can someone call themselves a Christian, yet get so angry, fearful, and depressed? What part do any of those things have in Christ?
Isaiah 40:31 says “But those who trust in the Lord shall renew there strength, they shall mount up on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
Where does that say I can’t do it, where does that say that if opposition comes, quit.
Psalms 34:19 says, “Many are the Afflictions of the Righteous, but the Lord shall deliver him of them all.”
The Bible never says we won’t encounter problems, but it does say that God will see us through them, that He will protect us.
So here in lies the question, how do the strongest men fall?
The answer is actually simple, it’s the same as why someone would accept corruption, it’s because they put there hope in man. Rather it’s in another person, or yourself, doesn’t matter; whenever you fail to put your faith in God, be prepared to be let down. Be prepared to have some hard times, with no peace. The Bible does say that God will draw near to you, James 4, but the key thing is you have to take the first step.
Why do you call yourself a Christian? What was the defining moment in your life where you said, “God I want to live for you, I give my life to you” When you say “I’m a Christian” that’s saying God, I die to myself. Yet I see so many people who call themselves Christians throwing pity parties, getting depressed, getting angry, fighting with each other… What? I thought you were a Christian?
To be a Christian is to be Like Christ. But for some reason, everyone seems to think that they can live like hell all week, then put on a little grace Band-Aid come Sunday, and it’s all good. That’s crazy! 2nd Corinthians 6 says, “Come out form among them and be SEPARATE says the Lord…” yet we think we can be just like everyone else. As a Christian, when you find yourself getting angry, or depressed, or feeling insecure and not knowing what’s next, here’s what you need to start doing
1. Stop worrying
2. Start Reading the Bible and Praying
3. Praise God for what he’s given you
We always have a reason to rejoice, and to be thankful; but when you aren’t praying, when you aren’t reading your Bible, and you aren’t rejoicing, that’s a signal for the devil to try to get into your head and mess with you. It’s the battlefield of the mind. If the devil can consume your thoughts, he can control your life, take every thought captive.
Biggest thing is, where does your hope lie? If you put your hope in people, you will be let down. If you try to put your hope in yourself, well on your own, you can do nothing of eternal significance. Just think of Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things with Christ who gives me strength” well just think of the opposite, without Christ, I can do nothing.
It’s not easy to be a Christian, but it’s worth it! Nothing worth having in life comes for free, and it’s the same with Christ. It will cost you your life, but you’ll get one better than anything you could of ever dreamed of. If you only knew what God wanted to do in and through your life, it would crush you. It’s so awesome, that just the idea would overwhelm you.
Yup, I could go on all day with this one, but I’ll end with a quote
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear” - Ambrose Redmoon
Be Fearless and Do the extraordinary, Live For Christ!!!
For once I have to say that I don't totally agree with you. Fear is human and Christ was human and we all feel pain and fear. He feared the cross and followed through with what He knew he must do. Fear of God is healthy. Fear of ourselves is better. The moment we trust in ourselves, we fail.
Cool man, thanks for the feedback.
but I would never say that Fear of ourselves is better than the Fear of God. God is the author, and the finisher...
What is man, "Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone." James 4
or "What is man, that you are mindful of him?" Psalms 8
When I look at Fear, I see it as the opposite of faith. The Bible says that in love there is no fear; If we love God, the attributes of Christ will be on us, we will have the peace and love of God.
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